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Data model

apischema handles every class/type you need.

By the way, it's done in an additive way, meaning that it doesn't affect your types.

PEP 585

With Python 3.9 and PEP 585, typing is substantially shaken up; all container types of typing module are now deprecated.

apischema fully support 3.9 and PEP 585, as shown in the different examples. However, typing containers can still be used, especially/necessarily when using an older version.


Because the library aims to bring the minimum boilerplate, it's built on the top of standard library. Dataclasses are thus the core structure of the data model.

Dataclasses bring the possibility of field customization, with more than just a default value. In addition to the common parameters of dataclasses.field, customization is done with the metadata parameter; metadata can also be passed using PEP 593 typing.Annotated.

With some teasing of features presented later:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Annotated

from apischema import alias, schema
from apischema.metadata import required

class Foo:
    bar: int = field(
        metadata=alias("foo_bar") | schema(title="foo! bar!", min=0, max=42) | required,
    baz: Annotated[
        int, alias("foo_baz"), schema(title="foo! baz!", min=0, max=32), required
    ] = 0
    # pipe `|` operator can also be used in Annotated


Field's metadata are just an ordinary dict; apischema provides some functions to enrich these metadata with its own keys (alias("foo_bar) is roughly equivalent to `{"_apischema_alias": "foo_bar"}) and use them when the time comes, but metadata are not reserved to apischema and other keys can be added.

Because PEP 584 is painfully missing before Python 3.9, apischema metadata use their own subclass of dict just to add | operator for convenience in all Python versions.

Dataclasses __post_init__ and field(init=False) are fully supported. Implications of this feature usage are documented in the relative sections.


Before 3.8, InitVar is doing type erasure, which is why it's not possible for apischema to retrieve type information of init variables. To fix this behavior, a field metadata init_var can be used to put back the type of the field (init_var also accepts stringified type annotations).

Dataclass-like types (attrs/SQLAlchemy/etc.) can also be supported with a few lines of code, see next section

Standard library types

apischema natively handles most of the types provided by the standard library. They are sorted in the following categories:


str, int, float, bool, None, subclasses of them

They correspond to JSON primitive types.


  • (typing.Collection)
  • (typing.Sequence)
  • tuple (typing.Tuple)
  • (typing.MutableSequence)
  • list (typing.List)
  • (typing.AbstractSet)
  • (typing.MutableSet)
  • frozenset (typing.FrozenSet)
  • set (typing.Set)

They correspond to JSON array and are serialized to list.


  • (typing.Mapping)
  • (typing.MutableMapping)
  • dict (typing.Dict)

They correpond to JSON object and are serialized to dict.


enum.Enum subclasses, typing.Literal


Enum subclasses are (de)serialized using values, not names. apischema also provides a conversion to use names instead.

Typing facilities

  • typing.Optional/typing.Union (Optional[T] is strictly equivalent to Union[T, None])

: Deserialization select the first matching alternative; unsupported alternatives are ignored

  • tuple (typing.Tuple)

: Can be used as collection as well as true tuple, like tuple[str, int]

  • typing.NewType

: Serialized according to its base type

  • typing.NamedTuple

: Handled as an object type, roughly like a dataclass; fields metadata can be passed using Annotated

  • typing.TypedDict

: Hanlded as an object type, but with a dictionary shape; fields metadata can be passed using Annotated

  • typing.Any

: Untouched by deserialization, serialized according to the object runtime class

Other standard library types

  • bytes

: with str (de)serialization using base64 encoding

  • datetime.datetime
  • datetime.time

: Supported only in 3.7+ with fromisoformat/isoformat

  • Decimal

: With float (de)serialization

  • ipaddress.IPv4Address
  • ipaddress.IPv4Interface
  • ipaddress.IPv4Network
  • ipaddress.IPv6Address
  • ipaddress.IPv6Interface
  • ipaddress.IPv6Network
  • pathlib.Path
  • re.Pattern (typing.Pattern)
  • uuid.UUID

: With str (de)serialization


typing.Generic can be used out of the box like in the following example:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

import pytest

from apischema import ValidationError, deserialize

T = TypeVar("T")

class Box(Generic[T]):
    content: T

assert deserialize(Box[str], {"content": "void"}) == Box("void")
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
    deserialize(Box[str], {"content": 42})


Generic types don't have default type name (used in JSON/GraphQL schema) — should Group[Foo] be named GroupFoo/FooGroup/something else? — so they require by-class or default type_name assignment.

Recursive types, string annotations and PEP 563

Recursive classes can be typed as they usually do, with or without PEP 563. Here with string annotations:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

from apischema import deserialize

class Node:
    value: int
    child: Optional["Node"] = None

assert deserialize(Node, {"value": 0, "child": {"value": 1}}) == Node(0, Node(1))
Here with PEP 563 (requires 3.7+)
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass

from apischema import deserialize

class Node:
    value: int
    child: Node | None = None

assert deserialize(Node, {"value": 0, "child": {"value": 1}}) == Node(0, Node(1))


To resolve annotations, apischema uses typing.get_type_hints; this doesn't work really well when used on objects defined outside of global scope.

Warning (minor)

Currently, PEP 585 can have surprising behavior when used outside the box, see bpo-41370

null vs. undefined

Contrary to Javascript, Python doesn't have an undefined equivalent (if we consider None to be the equivalent of null). But it can be useful to distinguish (especially when thinking about HTTP PATCH method) between a null field and an undefined/absent field.

That's why apischema provides an Undefined constant (a single instance of UndefinedType class) which can be used as a default value everywhere where this distinction is needed. In fact, default values are used when field are absent, thus a default Undefined will mark the field as absent.

Dataclass/NamedTuple fields are ignored by serialization when Undefined.

from dataclasses import dataclass

from apischema import Undefined, UndefinedType, deserialize, serialize
from apischema.json_schema import deserialization_schema

class Foo:
    bar: int | UndefinedType = Undefined
    baz: int | UndefinedType | None = Undefined

assert deserialize(Foo, {"bar": 0, "baz": None}) == Foo(0, None)
assert deserialize(Foo, {}) == Foo(Undefined, Undefined)
assert serialize(Foo, Foo(Undefined, 42)) == {"baz": 42}
# and Foo.baz are not required
assert deserialization_schema(Foo) == {
    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}, "baz": {"type": ["integer", "null"]}},
    "additionalProperties": False,


UndefinedType must only be used inside an Union, as it has no sense as a standalone type. By the way, no suitable name was found to shorten Union[T, UndefinedType] but propositions are welcomed.


Undefined is a falsy constant, i.e. bool(Undefined) is False.

Use None as if it was Undefined

Using None can be more convenient than Undefined as a placeholder for missing value, but Optional types are translated to nullable fields.

That's why apischema provides none_as_undefined metadata, allowing None to be handled as if it was Undefined: type will not be nullable and field not serialized if its value is None.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

import pytest

from apischema import ValidationError, deserialize, serialize
from apischema.json_schema import deserialization_schema, serialization_schema
from apischema.metadata import none_as_undefined

class Foo:
    bar: str | None = field(default=None, metadata=none_as_undefined)

assert (
    == serialization_schema(Foo)
    == {
        "$schema": "",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {"bar": {"type": "string"}},
        "additionalProperties": False,
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
    deserialize(Foo, {"bar": None})
assert serialize(Foo, Foo(None)) == {}

Annotated - PEP 593

PEP 593 is fully supported; annotations stranger to apischema are simply ignored.

Custom types

apischema can support almost all of your custom types in a few lines of code, using the conversion feature. However, it also provides a simple and direct way to support dataclass-like types, as presented below.

Otherwise, when apischema encounters a type that it doesn't support, apischema.Unsupported exception will be raised.


In the rare case when a union member should be ignored by apischema, it's possible to use mark it as unsupported using Union[Foo, Annotated[Bar, Unsupported]].

Dataclass-like types, aka object types

Internally, apischema handle standard object types — dataclasses, named tuple and typed dictionary — the same way by mapping them to a set of apischema.objects.ObjectField, which has the following definition:

class ObjectField:
    name: str  # field's name
    type: Any  # field's type
    required: bool = True  # if the field is required
    metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)  # field's metadata 
    default: InitVar[Any] = ...  # field's default value
    default_factory: Optional[Callable[[], Any]] = None  # field's default factory
    kind: FieldKind = FieldKind.NORMAL  # NORMAL/READ_ONLY/WRITE_ONLY

Thus, support of dataclass-like types (attrs, SQLAlchemy traditional mappers, etc.) can be achieved by mapping the concerned class to its own list of ObjectFields; this is done using apischema.objects.set_object_fields.

from apischema import deserialize, serialize
from apischema.json_schema import deserialization_schema
from apischema.objects import ObjectField, set_object_fields

class Foo:
    def __init__(self, bar): = bar

set_object_fields(Foo, [ObjectField("bar", int)])
# Fields can also be passed in a factory
set_object_fields(Foo, lambda: [ObjectField("bar", int)])

foo = deserialize(Foo, {"bar": 0})
assert isinstance(foo, Foo) and == 0
assert serialize(Foo, Foo(0)) == {"bar": 0}
assert deserialization_schema(Foo) == {
    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}},
    "required": ["bar"],
    "additionalProperties": False,

Another way to set object fields is to directly modify apischema default behavior, using apischema.settings.default_object_fields.


set_object_fields/settings.default_object_fields can be used to override existing fields. Current fields can be retrieved using apischema.objects.object_fields.

from import Sequence
from typing import Optional
from apischema import settings
from apischema.objects import ObjectField

previous_default_object_fields = settings.default_object_field

def default_object_fields(cls) -> Optional[Sequence[ObjectField]]:
    return [...] if ... else previous_default_object_fields(cls)

settings.default_object_fields = default_object_fields


Almost every default behavior of apischema can be customized using apischema.settings.

Examples of SQLAlchemy support and attrs support illustrate both methods (which could also be combined).

Skip field

Dataclass fields can be excluded from apischema processing by using apischema.metadata.skip in the field metadata. It can be parametrized with deserialization/serialization boolean parameters to skip a field only for the given operations.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any

from apischema.json_schema import deserialization_schema, serialization_schema
from apischema.metadata import skip

class Foo:
    bar: Any
    deserialization_only: Any = field(metadata=skip(serialization=True))
    serialization_only: Any = field(default=None, metadata=skip(deserialization=True))
    baz: Any = field(default=None, metadata=skip)

assert deserialization_schema(Foo) == {
    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {"bar": {}, "deserialization_only": {}},
    "required": ["bar", "deserialization_only"],
    "additionalProperties": False,
assert serialization_schema(Foo) == {
    "$schema": "",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {"bar": {}, "serialization_only": {}},
    "required": ["bar", "serialization_only"],
    "additionalProperties": False,


Fields skipped in deserialization should have a default value if deserialized, because deserialization of the class could raise otherwise.

Skip field serialization depending on condition

Field can also be skipped when serializing, depending on the condition given by serialization_if, or when the field value is equal to its default value with serialization_default=True.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any

from apischema import serialize
from apischema.metadata import skip

class Foo:
    bar: Any = field(metadata=skip(serialization_if=lambda x: not x))
    baz: Any = field(default_factory=list, metadata=skip(serialization_default=True))

assert serialize(Foo(False, [])) == {}   

Composition over inheritance - composed dataclasses flattening

Dataclass fields which are themselves dataclass can be "flattened" into the owning one by using flatten metadata. Then, when the class is (de)serialized, "flattened" fields will be (de)serialized at the same level as the owning class.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from apischema import Undefined, UndefinedType, alias, deserialize, serialize
from apischema.fields import with_fields_set
from apischema.json_schema import deserialization_schema
from apischema.metadata import flatten

class JsonSchema:
    title: str | UndefinedType = Undefined
    description: str | UndefinedType = Undefined
    format: str | UndefinedType = Undefined

class RootJsonSchema:
    schema: str | UndefinedType = field(default=Undefined, metadata=alias("$schema"))
    defs: list[JsonSchema] = field(default_factory=list, metadata=alias("$defs"))
    # This field schema is flattened inside the owning one
    json_schema: JsonSchema = field(default=JsonSchema(), metadata=flatten)

data = {
    "$schema": "",
    "title": "flattened example",
root_schema = RootJsonSchema(
    json_schema=JsonSchema(title="flattened example"),
assert deserialize(RootJsonSchema, data) == root_schema
assert serialize(RootJsonSchema, root_schema) == data
assert deserialization_schema(RootJsonSchema) == {
    "$schema": "",
    "$defs": {
        "JsonSchema": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "title": {"type": "string"},
                "description": {"type": "string"},
                "format": {"type": "string"},
            "additionalProperties": False,
    # It results in allOf + unevaluatedProperties=False
    "allOf": [
        # RootJsonSchema (without JsonSchema)
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "$schema": {"type": "string"},
                "$defs": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {"$ref": "#/$defs/JsonSchema"},
                    "default": [],
            "additionalProperties": False,
        # JonsSchema
        {"$ref": "#/$defs/JsonSchema"},
    "unevaluatedProperties": False,


Generated JSON schema use unevaluatedProperties keyword.

This feature is very convenient for building model by composing smaller components. If some kind of reuse could also be achieved with inheritance, it can be less practical when it comes to use it in code, because there is no easy way to build an inherited class when you have an instance of the super class; you have to copy all the fields by hand. On the other hand, using composition (of flattened fields), it's easy to instantiate the class when the smaller component is just a field of it.


Why isn't Iterable handled with other collection types?

Iterable could be handled (actually, it was at the beginning), however, this doesn't really make sense from a data point of view. Iterables are computation objects, they can be infinite, etc. They don't correspond to a serialized data; Collection is way more appropriate in this context.

What happens if I override dataclass __init__?

apischema always assumes that dataclass __init__ can be called with all its fields as kwargs parameters. If that's no longer the case after a modification of __init__ (what means if an exception is thrown when the constructor is called because of bad parameters), apischema treats then the class as not supported.