apischema provides some facilities to implement a GraphQL server following Relay GraphQL server specification. They are included in the module apischema.graphql.relay
These facilities are independent of each others — you could keep only the mutations part and use your own identification and connection system for example.
(Global) Object Identification¶
apischema defines a generic relay.Node[Id]
interface which can be used which can be used as base class of all identified resources. This class contains a unique generic field of type Id
, which will be automatically converted into an ID!
in the schema. The Id
type chosen has to be serializable into a string-convertible value (it can register conversions if needed).
Each node has to implement the classmethod
get_by_id(cls: type[T], id: Id, info: graphql.GraphQLResolveInfo=None) -> T
All nodes defined can be retrieved using relay.nodes
, while the node
query is defined as relay.node
. relay.nodes()
can be passed to graphql_schema
parameter in order to add them in the schema even if they don't appear in any resolvers.
from uuid import UUID
import graphql
from dataclasses import dataclass
from graphql.utilities import print_schema
from apischema.graphql import graphql_schema, relay
class Ship(relay.Node[UUID]): # Let's use an UUID for Ship id
name: str
async def get_by_id(cls, id: UUID, info: graphql.GraphQLResolveInfo = None):
class Faction(relay.Node[int]): # Nodes can have different id types
name: str
def get_by_id(cls, id: int, info: graphql.GraphQLResolveInfo = None) -> "Faction":
schema = graphql_schema(query=[relay.node], types=relay.nodes())
schema_str = """\
type Ship implements Node {
id: ID!
name: String!
interface Node {
id: ID!
type Faction implements Node {
id: ID!
name: String!
type Query {
node(id: ID!): Node!
assert print_schema(schema) == schema_str
For now, even if its result is not used, relay.nodes
must be called before generating the schema.
Global ID¶
apischema defines a relay.GlobalId
type with the following signature :
type which is serialized and deserialized as an ID!
, not the Id
parameter of the Node
class; apischema automatically add a field converter to make the conversion between the Id
(for example an UUID
) of a given node and the corresponding GlobalId
Node instance global id can be retrieved with global_id
from dataclasses import dataclass
import graphql
from apischema import serialize
from apischema.graphql import graphql_schema, relay
class Faction(relay.Node[int]):
name: str
def get_by_id(cls, id: int, info: graphql.GraphQLResolveInfo = None) -> "Faction":
return [Faction(0, "Empire"), Faction(1, "Rebels")][id]
schema = graphql_schema(query=[relay.node], types=relay.nodes())
some_global_id = Faction.get_by_id(0).global_id # Let's pick a global id ...
assert some_global_id == relay.GlobalId("0", Faction)
query = """
query factionName($id: ID!) {
node(id: $id) {
... on Faction {
assert graphql.graphql_sync( # ... and use it in a query
schema, query, variable_values={"id": serialize(relay.GlobalId, some_global_id)}
).data == {"node": {"name": "Empire"}}
Id encoding¶
Relay specifications encourage the use of base64 encoding, so apischema defines a relay.base64_encoding
that you can pass to graphql_schema
apischema provides a generic relay.Connection[Node, Cursor, Edge]
type, which can be used directly without subclassing it; it's also possible to subclass it to add fields to a given connection (or to all the connection which will subclass the subclass). relay.Edge[Node, Cursor]
can also be subclassed to add fields to the edges.
dataclass has the following declaration:
class Connection(Generic[Node, Cursor, Edge]):
edges: Optional[Sequence[Optional[Edge]]]
has_previous_page: bool = field(default=False, metadata=skip)
has_next_page: bool = field(default=False, metadata=skip)
start_cursor: Optional[Cursor] = field(default=None, metadata=skip)
end_cursor: Optional[Cursor] = field(default=None, metadata=skip)
def page_info(self) -> PageInfo[Cursor]:
The pageInfo
field is computed by a resolver; it uses the cursors of the first and the last edge when they are not provided.
Here is an example of Connection
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, TypeVar
import graphql
from graphql.utilities import print_schema
from apischema.graphql import graphql_schema, relay, resolver
Cursor = int # let's use an integer cursor in all our connection
Node = TypeVar("Node")
Connection = relay.Connection[Node, Cursor, relay.Edge[Node, Cursor]]
# Connection can now be used just like Connection[Ship] or Connection[Faction | None]
class Ship:
name: str
class Faction:
def ships(
self, first: int | None, after: Cursor | None
) -> Connection[Optional[Ship]] | None:
edges = [relay.Edge(Ship("X-Wing"), 0), relay.Edge(Ship("B-Wing"), 1)]
return Connection(edges, relay.PageInfo.from_edges(edges))
def faction() -> Faction | None:
return Faction()
schema = graphql_schema(query=[faction])
schema_str = """\
type Query {
faction: Faction
type Faction {
ships(first: Int, after: Int): ShipConnection
type ShipConnection {
edges: [ShipEdge]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
type ShipEdge {
node: Ship
cursor: Int!
type Ship {
name: String!
type PageInfo {
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
hasNextPage: Boolean!
startCursor: Int
endCursor: Int
assert print_schema(schema) == schema_str
query = """
faction {
ships {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
assert graphql.graphql_sync(schema, query).data == {
"faction": {
"ships": {
"pageInfo": {"endCursor": 1, "hasNextPage": False},
"edges": [
{"cursor": 0, "node": {"name": "X-Wing"}},
{"cursor": 1, "node": {"name": "B-Wing"}},
Custom connections/edges¶
Connections can be customized by simply subclassing relay.Connection
class and adding the additional fields.
For the edges, relay.Edge
can be subclassed too, and the subclass has then to be passed as type argument to the generic connection.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, TypeVar
from graphql import print_schema
from apischema.graphql import graphql_schema, relay, resolver
Cursor = int
Node = TypeVar("Node")
Edge = TypeVar("Edge", bound=relay.Edge)
class MyConnection(relay.Connection[Node, Cursor, Edge]):
connection_field: bool
class MyEdge(relay.Edge[Node, Cursor]):
edge_field: int | None
Connection = MyConnection[Node, MyEdge[Node]]
class Ship:
name: str
class Faction:
def ships(
self, first: int | None, after: Cursor | None
) -> Connection[Optional[Ship]] | None:
def faction() -> Faction | None:
return Faction()
schema = graphql_schema(query=[faction])
schema_str = """\
type Query {
faction: Faction
type Faction {
ships(first: Int, after: Int): ShipConnection
type ShipConnection {
edges: [ShipEdge]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
connectionField: Boolean!
type ShipEdge {
node: Ship
cursor: Int!
edgeField: Int
type Ship {
name: String!
type PageInfo {
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
hasNextPage: Boolean!
startCursor: Int
endCursor: Int
assert print_schema(schema) == schema_str
Relay compliant mutations can be declared with a dataclass subclassing the relay.Mutation
class; its fields will be put in the payload type of the mutation.
This class must implement a classmethod
name mutate
; it can be synchronous or asynchronous. The arguments of the method will correspond to the input type fields.
The mutation will be named after the name of the mutation class.
All the mutations declared can be retrieved with relay.mutations
, in order to be passed to graphql_schema
from dataclasses import dataclass
from graphql.utilities import print_schema
from apischema.graphql import graphql_schema, relay
class Ship:
class Faction:
class IntroduceShip(relay.Mutation):
ship: Ship
faction: Faction
def mutate(faction_id: str, ship_name: str) -> "IntroduceShip":
def hello() -> str:
return "world"
schema = graphql_schema(query=[hello], mutation=relay.mutations())
schema_str = """\
type Query {
hello: String!
type Mutation {
introduceShip(input: IntroduceShipInput!): IntroduceShipPayload!
type IntroduceShipPayload {
ship: Ship!
faction: Faction!
clientMutationId: String
type Ship
type Faction
input IntroduceShipInput {
factionId: String!
shipName: String!
clientMutationId: String
assert print_schema(schema) == schema_str
As you can see in the previous example, the field named clientMutationId
is automatically added to the input and the payload types.
The forward of the mutation id from the input to the payload is automatically handled. It's value can be accessed by declaring a parameter of type relay.ClientMutationId
— even if the parameter is not named client_mutation_id
, it will be renamed internally.
This feature is controlled by a Mutation
class variable _client_mutation_id
, with 3 possible values:
(automatic, the default):clientMutationId
field will be nullable unless it's declared as a required parameter (without default value) in themutate
: their will be noclientMutationId
field added (having a dedicated parameter will raise an error)True
is added and forced to be non-null.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from graphql.utilities import print_schema
from apischema.graphql import graphql_schema, relay
class Ship:
class Faction:
class IntroduceShip(relay.Mutation):
ship: Ship
faction: Faction
def mutate(
# mut_id is required because no default value
faction_id: str,
ship_name: str,
mut_id: relay.ClientMutationId,
) -> "IntroduceShip":
def hello() -> str:
return "world"
schema = graphql_schema(query=[hello], mutation=relay.mutations())
# clientMutationId field becomes non nullable in introduceShip types
schema_str = """\
type Query {
hello: String!
type Mutation {
introduceShip(input: IntroduceShipInput!): IntroduceShipPayload!
type IntroduceShipPayload {
ship: Ship!
faction: Faction!
clientMutationId: String!
type Ship
type Faction
input IntroduceShipInput {
factionId: String!
shipName: String!
clientMutationId: String!
assert print_schema(schema) == schema_str
Error handling and other resolver arguments¶
Relay mutation are operations, so they can be configured with the same parameters. As they are declared as classes, parameters will be passed as class variables, prefixed by _
becomes _error_handler
Because parameters are class variables, you can reuse them by setting their value in a base class; for example, to share a same error_handler
in a group of mutations.