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Class as tagged union of its subclasses


Tagged unions are useful when it comes to GraphQL input (or even output).

from collections import defaultdict
from import AsyncIterable, Callable, Iterator
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from types import new_class
from typing import Annotated, Any, TypeVar, get_type_hints

import graphql

from apischema import deserializer, schema, serializer, type_name
from apischema.conversions import Conversion
from apischema.graphql import graphql_schema
from apischema.metadata import conversion
from apischema.objects import object_deserialization
from apischema.tagged_unions import Tagged, TaggedUnion, get_tagged
from apischema.utils import to_pascal_case

_alternative_constructors: dict[type, list[Callable]] = defaultdict(list)
Func = TypeVar("Func", bound=Callable)

def alternative_constructor(func: Func) -> Func:
    return func

def rec_subclasses(cls: type) -> Iterator[type]:
    """Recursive implementation of type.__subclasses__"""
    for sub_cls in cls.__subclasses__():
        yield sub_cls
        yield from rec_subclasses(sub_cls)

Cls = TypeVar("Cls", bound=type)

def as_tagged_union(cls: Cls) -> Cls:
    def serialization() -> Conversion:
        annotations = {sub.__name__: Tagged[sub] for sub in rec_subclasses(cls)}
        namespace = {"__annotations__": annotations}
        tagged_union = new_class(
            cls.__name__, (TaggedUnion,), exec_body=lambda ns: ns.update(namespace)
        return Conversion(
            lambda obj: tagged_union(**{obj.__class__.__name__: obj}),
            # Conversion must not be inherited because it would lead to
            # infinite recursion otherwise

    def deserialization() -> Conversion:
        annotations: dict[str, Any] = {}
        namespace: dict[str, Any] = {"__annotations__": annotations}
        for sub in rec_subclasses(cls):
            annotations[sub.__name__] = Tagged[sub]
            # Add tagged fields for all its alternative constructors
            for constructor in _alternative_constructors.get(sub, ()):
                # Build the alias of the field
                alias = to_pascal_case(constructor.__name__)
                # object_deserialization uses get_type_hints, but the constructor
                # return type is stringified and the class not defined yet,
                # so it must be assigned manually
                constructor.__annotations__["return"] = sub
                # Use object_deserialization to wrap constructor as deserializer
                deserialization = object_deserialization(constructor, type_name(alias))
                # Add constructor tagged field with its conversion
                annotations[alias] = Tagged[sub]
                namespace[alias] = Tagged(conversion(deserialization=deserialization))
        # Create the deserialization tagged union class
        tagged_union = new_class(
            cls.__name__, (TaggedUnion,), exec_body=lambda ns: ns.update(namespace)
        return Conversion(
            lambda obj: get_tagged(obj)[1], source=tagged_union, target=cls

    deserializer(lazy=deserialization, target=cls)
    serializer(lazy=serialization, source=cls)
    return cls

class Drawing:
    def points(self) -> AsyncIterable[float]:
        raise NotImplementedError

class Line(Drawing):
    start: float
    stop: float
    step: float = field(default=1, metadata=schema(exc_min=0))

    async def points(self) -> AsyncIterable[float]:
        point = self.start
        while point <= self.stop:
            yield point
            point += self.step

def sized_line(
    start: float, stop: float, size: Annotated[float, schema(min=1)]
) -> "Line":
    return Line(start=start, stop=stop, step=(stop - start) / (size - 1))

class Concat(Drawing):
    left: Drawing
    right: Drawing

    async def points(self) -> AsyncIterable[float]:
        async for point in self.left.points():
            yield point
        async for point in self.right.points():
            yield point

def echo(drawing: Drawing = None) -> Drawing | None:
    return drawing

drawing_schema = graphql_schema(query=[echo])
assert (
    == """\
type Query {
  echo(drawing: DrawingInput): Drawing

type Drawing {
  Line: Line
  Concat: Concat

type Line {
  start: Float!
  stop: Float!
  step: Float!

type Concat {
  left: Drawing!
  right: Drawing!

input DrawingInput {
  Line: LineInput
  SizedLine: SizedLineInput
  Concat: ConcatInput

input LineInput {
  start: Float!
  stop: Float!
  step: Float! = 1

input SizedLineInput {
  start: Float!
  stop: Float!
  size: Float!

input ConcatInput {
  left: DrawingInput!
  right: DrawingInput!

query = """\
echo(drawing: {
    Concat: {
        left: {
            SizedLine: {
                start: 0, stop: 12, size: 3
        right: {
            Line: {
                start: 12, stop: 13
}) {
    Concat {
        left {
            Line {
                start stop step
        right {
            Line {
                start stop step

assert graphql.graphql_sync(drawing_schema, query).data == {
    "echo": {
        "Concat": {
            "left": {"Line": {"start": 0.0, "stop": 12.0, "step": 6.0}},
            "right": {"Line": {"start": 12.0, "stop": 13.0, "step": 1.0}},